4/19—So the beach went really well (as you all could see from the pictures, it’s beautiful). I did NOT get burnt—woohoo. Did get sick again that night, though, which we don’t need to go into. On to better stuff—taught my first class in Spanish on Thursday! Ah. It was long and stressful but very cool. I enjoyed it mucho. Teaching another one next Tuesday at the community center.
Also had another meeting with the APCD (the head of my sector) and the PCVLs (Peace Corp Volunteer Leaders) about site placement. Some people got a good idea of where they think they’re going. I definitely don’t think I did. I requested a small pueblo or a campo (i.e. boonies)—they seemed pretty onboard with that, but as for anything else, we shall see. Coming up soon! I’m pretty ready to get out and actually start my projects—getting a little antsy.
In other news, my Dona abandoned me this week as she has to travel for her job (gracias a dios). Thus, I’m cooking all my own meals. I’m going to be honest, it’s probably the best time of my life. For instance, today I made a tuna melt sandwich! And just one—no one was there to make me eat 5 of them along with viveres and a mound of onions. Serious excitement. I then attempted to cook a platano maduro (the really good yellow ones) for dinner. I ended up with Heather’s Dona pretty much cooking for me because I couldn’t even start the stove. But now I know how to cook platanos fritos (and how to start a stove with a match)! Says the girl who doesn’t even know how to make pasta. Ah, so much to learn. Excited to have cereal for breakfast tomorrow. And maybe scrambled eggs for lunch. Mmmmm…